Floating vs Sinking Fish Feed Pellets, Which One to choose?
Aquaculture is the fastest-growing food production industry in the world over the past few years. Approximately 50% of all fish consumed by humans comes from aquaculture. As the industry matures, understanding the requirements and production of fish feed is critical to the growth and sustainability of aquaculture. When fish are kept in high-density indoor systems or confined to cages and are not free to feed on natural foods or where natural foods are lacking or contribute little to nutrition. Nutrition plays a critical role in improving fish productivity. Farmers should use nutritionally complete feeds. Feed is the biggest cost of intensive fish farming. The feed can be produced by steam processing to produce compacted, pressurized pellet (sinking) feed; or by extrusion to produce an expanded floating or buoyant feed. Floating Fish Feed Types of fish feeds Floating feed - This feed floats on the water surface. In general, floating fish feeds offer ...